[Salon] US: Afghan national freed from Guantanamo Bay after 15 years - ABC News

Thanks to the List member who shared this with me. It can’t pass without comment, for the role that Conservatives (not to exclude right-wing Democrats, usually described as “Centrists,” and to include the later National Conservatives aligned with Israeli Settlers and the IDF, et al.) played in the war crimes at Guantanamo calling for condemnation, speaking as an Army JAG Officer, and for a lot of other JAG Officers whom I met who opposed Guantanamo and torture. To include instructors at the Army JAG School, standing against the Conservative advocates of each. Like Pat Buchanan, even though he opposed Bush’s War, a look at his website confirms he fully supported all that Cheney did in pursuing that war, like torture, etc. That torture was so counter-productive but yet supported by Conservatives (and way too many “Liberals,” but Liberals who often had connections to the Israeli Torture apparatus, like Trumpite Alan Dershowitz: https://abovethelaw.com/2020/03/unsatisfied-with-just-becoming-a-republican-alan-dershowitz-is-going-back-in-time-to-be-a-republican-all-along/, should remain a standing shame upon Conservatives, and is more the true cause of the US losing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Which to them, it's the opposite, as I well know. Which explains in large measure my antipathy to the ideology of “Conservatism” as first formed by the CIA officers at National Review in the 1950s as a Conservatism, but more accurately, the “Ideology of the Offensive,” as led to WW I, and nearly led to WW III, with bi-partisan agreement now, however they “rebrand” themselves, which may yet get us WW III. Especially if we listen to the Trumpites Gaetz, Hawley, DiSantis, et al., advocating heightening hostilities with China!

So back in 2003, there was Pat Buchanan, shoulder to shoulder, with Alan Dershowitz, the Mossad, Shin Bet, and the IDF, et al. In a Guantanamo appellate case I remain on, we could predict with near absolute certainty that  Conservatives (like Kavanaugh) would always uphold the most egregious acts of the CIA and the military, to include the prosecutions they were behind, lying every step of the way in most cases, while shredding the (1789) Constitution every step of the way as well to where today, it’s only a figment of our imagination. 

So here’s one of them, describing a “terrorist organization” remarkably identical to Saudi Arabia, and to their ally, Israel, on issues of “national security.”  

"Earlier Friday, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, criticized the Biden administration for allowing Gul's transfer. 

“The terrorist organization that now controls Afghanistan cannot and will not ensure Gul, or any future detainees who are released, will not return to the battlefield and potentially kill Americans or other innocent civilians,” Rubio said, referring to the Taliban who seized power in Afghanistan last August."

Given that the Taliban never fought a war against the US outside their borders, and they’re back in power in Afghanistan after a successful insurgency; resolving grating issues with them would be in our interest, and the interest of the “innocent civilians” that Rubio never gives a damn about when its US munitions killing them.  

US: Afghan national freed from Guantanamo Bay after 15 years

The U.S. Defense Department says an Afghan prisoner held in U.S. custody for nearly 15 years has been released from the Guantanamo Bay detention center

ISLAMABAD -- An Afghan prisoner held in U.S. custody for nearly 15 years has been released from the Guantanamo Bay detention center after a federal court ruled that he was unlawfully detained, the U.S. Department of Defense said Friday.

Asadullah Haroon Gul's release was first announced earlier in the day by the Taliban in Afghanistan and an international human rights group.

From Kabul, Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban-appointed deputy culture and information minister, tweeted that Gul was one of the last two Afghan prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay.

Photographs of Gul being greeted by senior Taliban officials in Doha, Qatar, were posted on Twitter later in the day. Mujahid thanked Qatar for facilitating Gul’s release, without elaborating.

The United States opened the detention center under President George W. Bush in January 2002 after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the invasion of Afghanistan to capture al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. It was intended at the time to hold and interrogate those suspected of having links to al-Qaida or the Taliban, who had sheltered bin Laden.

However, scores of suspects from multiple countries were later sent there and the detention center became notorious after reports emerged of detainees being humiliated and tortured.

Gul was greeted upon landing in Doha by top Taliban official Suhail Shaheen, who said he would soon fly home to Afghanistan.

In a statement, the Department of Defense said Gul's release was in accord with district court in Washington's decision that the United States “no longer has a legal basis to justify the continued detention" of Gul. It thanked Qatar for its assistance without providing any details.

Earlier Friday, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, criticized the Biden administration for allowing Gul's transfer.

“The terrorist organization that now controls Afghanistan cannot and will not ensure Gul, or any future detainees who are released, will not return to the battlefield and potentially kill Americans or other innocent civilians,” Rubio said, referring to the Taliban who seized power in Afghanistan last August.

Mujahid said Gul was handed over to the Taliban as a result of their talks with U.S. authorities, which he described as a “direct and positive interaction with the United States."

Shaheen told The Associated Press that Gul's freedom came “following direct engagement" with the U.S. He said Gul was detained by American forces in the city of Jalalabad in 2007 and was held for 15 years without trial.

The remaining Afghan at Guantanamo Bay is Muhammad Rahim al-Afghani, who is accused of working with bin Laden as a “procurement specialist.” Al-Afghani was captured by Pakistani authorities and later handed over to the CIA, which transferred him to the detention center.

The Britain-based rights group Reprieve said Gul's “family feared him dead for many years and for the first nine years of his captivity, he did not have access to a lawyer, despite multiple attempts to obtain legal representation."

“Reprieve and the law firm Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss filed" a petition on his behalf in 2016 and “demanded his release," it added. After years of litigation, in October 2021, they prevailed when a Washington court ruled that Gul was not part of al-Qaida and ordered his release.

According to the statement, Gul “suffered severe physical and psychological torture during his detention, including being beaten, hung by his wrists, deprived of food and water, and prevented from praying. He has been subjected to sleep deprivation, extreme cold temperatures and solitary confinement."

Commenting on Gul's release, his lawyer at Reprieve, Mark Maher, said Gul “missed his daughter’s entire childhood and he will never get back what has been taken from him, but he is now at least able to rebuild his life with his family, who have waited so long to see him."


Associated Press writer Nomaan Merchant in Washington contributed to this story.

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